Saturday, August 26, 2017

Herzl vs. Bibi

The English will follow the Hebrew

.קונגרס הציוני הראשון התקיים בין 29 ל31 באוגוסט, 1897, כלומר, לפני 120 שנה
:לאחר הקונגרס, הרצל כתב בעיתונו, ב10 לספטמבר

מסתבר שלרעיון הלאומי היהודי הכח המאחד אנשים בעלי הבדלי שפה, הבדלים חברתיים,  פוליטיים ודתיים לשלם אחד
בהסתתו, שממשיכה יותר מעשרים שנה, הן כמנהיג האופוזיציה בתקופת רבין בתחילת שנות התשעים, הן כראש הממשלה בהווה, נתניהו עושה כל מאמץ (מוצלח מבחינתו) להפריד בין חלקי העם ולהסית נגד כל מי שחושב אחרת ממנו
ללא רמז של יושרה או רסן, הוא עושה הכל כדי לפרק את המרקם העדין של החברה הישראלית, באמצעות שחיתות והסתה

לצערינו, חברי הממשלה, הן ממפלגתו של נתניהו, הן מהמפלגות הקואליציה, שותקים. כפי שאלי ויזל אמר, הצופה מן הצד, ושותק, רע יותר לקורבן מן התוקפן עצמו

למזלנו, ישנם אנשים, ארגונים ומוסדות שפועלים בארצינו הקרועה ואהובה כדי לשמור ולהגן על הדמוקרטיה והשפיות

כמה הערות ביחס להפגנות פתח תקוה:
היועץ המשפטי לממשלה מנדלבליט אינו חלק מהרשות השופטת, אלא מהרשות המבצעת, מינוי אישי של ראש הממשלה נתניהו. לכן הפגנה מול ביתו או במרחק מאות מטרים מביתו אינה דומה להפגנה מול בית של שופט.
בנובמבר 2016 מנדלבליט הכריז שאין חשד לפלילים בפרשת הצוללות. איך ידע?
הפגנות פתח תקווה החלו בנובמבר 2016 כדרישה ממנדלבליט לא לגרור רגליים ולהתחיל בחקירות או להתפטר. 
היום יש חקירה ועד מדינה, לא רק בפרשה זו, אלא בפרשות נוספות שסיומן מתעכב.
עד כה, מי ומה השפיע יותר על היועץ המשפטי לממשלת נתניהו - נתניהו או העם שדורש חקירות יעילות של השחיתות?

בין 1984 ל 1987 דתיים לאומיים וחרדים הפגינו במוצ״ש נגד פתיחת קולנוע בשבת בפתח תקוה. גם כאשר בג״צ אסר על ההפגנות, המשיכו אלפים להפגין. היכן הם היום בהגנה על הזכות הדמוקרטית לחופש הביטוי?
Herzl on the balcony in Basel

The first Zionist Congress was held in Basel, August 29-31, 1897, that is, 120 years ago.

Following the Congress, Herzl wrote a piece in Die Welt, September 10:
"[I]t turned out that the Jewish national idea possesses the unifying power to wield together people with linguistic, social, political, and religious differences into one united whole. . . . "
Netanyahu on the balcony at Zion Square
With his incitement, which has continued over twenty years, both as leader of the opposition during the premiership of Yitzhak Rabin in the early 1990s, and presently as Prime Minister, Netanyahu makes every possible (and from his point of view successful) effort to divide, instigating against those who think differently from him, rather than to bring "together people with linguistic, social, political, and religious differences into one united whole."
Without any sense of integrity or inhibition, he is doing whatever he can to destroy the fabric of Israeli society, by corruption and incitement.
Tragically, the members of the government, from his own party and his coalition partners, remain silent. They have turned into bystanders, who, as Elie Wiesel said, are worse to the victims than the aggressor.

Fortunately, there are people, organisations and institutions in this torn country who stand up to defend and protect democracy and the sanity of this beloved country.

The Hero and His Shadow
Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel


Preface       The Beggar in the Hero’s Shadow      
Chapter 1    Return to the Source               
Chapter 2    From My Notebook             
Chapter 3    From Dream to Reality             
Chapter 4    Origins and Myths             
Chapter 5    From Redemption to Shadow         
Chapter 6    Wholeness Apart               
Chapter 7    Myth, Shadow and Projection      
Chapter 8    A Crack in the Mask          
Chapter 9    The Death of the Mythical and the Voice of the Soul

available on Kindle ($9.99) and in paperback ($29.00)

Sunday, August 20, 2017

When Bibi's bubble bursts

PM. Netanyahu, leader of the most extreme and anti-democratic government that has ever ruled in Israel, has declared that he is no longer Prime Minister of the entire population, inciting against the left, the media, Arabs, and whoever does not directly swear allegiance to him.
The police was ordered on August 19 to prevent the demonstrations against his corruption, carried out hundreds of meters from the home of the Attorney General, and the arrest of leaders of the manifestation. 
One of the reasons given by the police was "undue pressure" on the AG. 
The AG is a political appointee, by Netanyahu, and not a civil servant in the Department of Justice. He has severely delayed the corruption investigations against Netanyahu, a great many of whose government ministers and advisers have been tried and judged or are under investigation for a variety of crimes, many of them on charges of corruption.
It is not the task of the police to determine if demonstrators exert due or undue pressure.

The photo above is from a demonstration against the policies of Yitzhak Rabin, in 1995, where Netanyahu marches in front of a 'coffin' that bears Rabin's name.
The inflamed atmosphere, of which Netanyahu as then leader of the opposition was partly responsible, led up to Rabin's assassination.
Netanyahu should be tried for this, as well as his present incitement and the crimes presently under investigation. The fact that 22 years have passed should at least not make us forget.

When Bibi's bubble bursts, and it will, sooner rather than later, the extreme right in Israel will have a harsh awakening. The more moderate right, which has collaborated by silence and participation, will have a shameful awakening that fascism can take grip of any society, if the watchdogs are not constantly on the alert.

The Hero and His Shadow 
Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel


Preface       The Beggar in the Hero’s Shadow      
Chapter 1    Return to the Source               
Chapter 2    From My Notebook             
Chapter 3    From Dream to Reality             
Chapter 4    Origins and Myths             
Chapter 5    From Redemption to Shadow         
Chapter 6    Wholeness Apart               
Chapter 7    Myth, Shadow and Projection      
Chapter 8    A Crack in the Mask          
Chapter 9    The Death of the Mythical and the Voice of the Soul

available on Kindle ($9.99) and in paperback ($29.00)

Dedication of The Hero and His Shadow

I dedicate this book to those, all too many, whose voices were silenced by man’s evil.
   I dedicate it to those, all too few, who raise their voice against fascism, who speak up in the struggle for peace and reconciliation, especially between Palestinians and Israelis, incessantly on the verge of yet another cycle of violence and hostilities.
   I dedicate it to those who try to hold the vulnerable balance in that ultimate conflict of Abraham between Father and Son, divine and human, idea and implementation, past and future, ego and self.
   I dedicate this book to the daughters and the sons whose future is endangered.

Friday, August 11, 2017

The Human Soul (Lost?) in Transition, at the Dawn of a New Era - Quadrant

This essay, in the Spring 2017 issue of Quadrant, examines the liminal phase of society and interiority in which we find ourselves today and poses several questions to the irrepressibly optimistic inventors of a techno-utopian future: Can we really be and feel happy if we need to be informed about it by a cellphone app? Do 93 million selfies a day replace a single moment of true reflection? How can we remain relatively integrated individuals in the transiency of the present?

The essay will be part of a forthcoming book.

From the introduction:
Jung says, “Whoever speaks in primordial images speaks with a thousand voices…,” and “In each of these images there is a little piece of human psychology and human fate, a remnant of the joys and sorrows that have been repeated countless times in our ancestral history…” (CW15, par. 129, 127).
The image, the images of interiority, cannot exist without the soul. In soullessness, in fundamentalism and totalitarianism there are no images.The existence of the soul, that elusive, purely poetical idea of anima, whether in man or woman, cannot be bound by earthly empires, neither by imperial rules nor by imperatives, but can only be poetically imagined, for instance, as that image of a mirror that mirrors the image.
But the soul also relies on the capacity of imagelessness, in the sense of an absence of externally generated images. In their discussion centered around Neumann’s manuscript on Jacob and Esau, Jung writes that “the ‘imagelessness’ [that is, of the God-image] is exceedingly important for the free exercise of intuition that would be prejudiced by a fixed image, and thereby rendered unusable.” (Jung and Neumann, 2015, p. 56).
While images take shape within our individual psyches, the image is not only within us, but we are also within the image, as Henry Corbin says (Cheetham, 2003, p. 71). We reside within an image of the world, within the world soul, and we relate to the world according to the images, ideas and perspectives that we have developed, and to a large extent, according to the views and the spirit of our times.
When listening to the brilliant young men and women at the forefront of progress, those that hold the trigger to the chips and the apps of the future, one cannot refrain from being amazed at the firm belief and complete conviction that technology is the remedy of all ills and the foundation of all future viruses – sorry! virtues, not viruses.
This essay is an attempt to cause a slight crack in the confidence of the young, and perhaps it is merely an old man’s pathetic envy of tomorrow’s triumphant heroes, to whisper in their ears, “you are also mortals.” .....

Quadrant, Spring 17 - Volume XLVII:1

— Kathryn Madden
— Shaun McNiff
— Erel Shalit
— Brandon J. O'Neil
— Elizabeth Colistra
— Roger Peasley
Beth Darlington, review editor. Reviews by Deborah Stewart, Mark Dean, and Chris Beach

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Cykl życia. Archetypowa droga człowieka - The Cycle of Life: Themes and Tales of the Journey - now in Polish

The Polish edition of The Cycle of Life: Themes and Tales of the Journey
Translation by Karol Domanski and Adam Kosciuk.
Introduction by Aleksandra Szczepaniak
Design: Marta Rydz

 From the introduction by Aleksandra Szczepaniak:
               This is a journey leading us along the paths of human life. It is also an introduction to the art of amplification that being a method of broadening of the meaning through myths, legends, tales and stories from the cultural treasury of the world. It illustrates the river-like course of human life. It is only the image that can fully reflect the process and the interweaving of plots and motives of psychic life. This book is like a current of a river - sometimes it flows slowly and clearly, sometimes it speeds up falling into meanders of meanings and nuances. Its tone rises and falls - short phrases change into descriptions filled with silence. In a way, through its changing dynamics,it reflects the process of Jungian analysis –here, likewise, various stories mingle in the analytical vessel.The authour sometimes speaks with the voice of Puer, joyous and vivacious, sometimes he sounds like Senex and at other times he falls into a discourse so characteristic for Jewish culture of which he is a representative.

I would like to thank Aleksandra, Karol, Adam, Marta, and all those who have worked to enable the publishing of the book in Polish. They have all been incredibly devoted and done a wonderful job - THANK YOU!

Już w piątek ukaże się polskie wydanie książki "Cykl życia. Archetypowa droga człowieka" autorstwa Erela Shalita w tłumaczeniu Karola Domańskiego i Adama Kościuka.

Według teorii Junga życie człowieka składa się z kilku etapów. Faza pierwsza, obejmująca dzieciństwo i młodość, jest adaptacją do świata zewnętrznego; faza druga, dojrzałość, to adaptacja do świata wewnętrznego; faza trzecia, starość, jest adaptacją do śmierci. Erel Shalit podkreśla, że rozwój człowieka trwa przez całe życie i ma charakter nie linearny, a cyrkularny. W istocie jest cyrkumambulacją – okrążaniem znaczenia.

(...) Ta książka nie jest łatwa – autor prowadzi Czytelnika przez meandry życia i rozwoju, wprowadzając w świat znaczeń, których nie dostrzegamy w pędzie współczesnego świata. Wiedzie nas przez przestrzeń wewnętrzną, której portalami są marzenia senne, zapomniane opowieści, mity i dzieła literackie. Opisuje proces, którego nie da się w pełni przekazać, można go jedynie zobaczyć czy poczuć za pośrednictwem zmieniających się obrazów.

Z Przedmowy do wydania polskiego

Aleksandra Szczepaniak
analityk jungowski
Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologii Analitycznej

Książkę można nabyć tutaj

Watch Cycle of Life on YouTube, with Polish subtitles, part 1part 2.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Renewed website

Renewed website

You are invited to visit my renewed website, here. You will find links to YouTube presentations, material on Jung and Neumann, my books, and useful resources.
Thank you for your interest – any and every comment or correction will be appreciated!