Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Paintings from the Psyche - Jung and Neumann

At this weekend's Jung Neumann Symposium, June 24-26 at Pacifica, Nancy Furlotti will present 

Paintings from the Psyche

Jung's Red Book

Active imagination was the technique C. G. Jung developed to amplify images from his dreams and visions. It allowed him to delve deeper into the mythical and collective layers of human imagination to more specifically understand what the psyche was trying to communicate. 
He used this extensively while on his own inner journey, described in The Red Book, and encouraged his patients and colleagues to do so, as well. 

Painting by Erich Neumann

Erich Neumann was one of Jung’s foremost disciples. After commencing analytical work with Jung, he kept a dream journal and began using active imagination on his own dream images. Somewhat later he, too, began to paint these images creating a long series, much like those in Jung’s Red Book. The comparison between the two sets of paintings is striking in both their differences and similarities. We will explore a full image series from each one as a way of gleaning a deeper understanding of the psychic processes of these two prominent analysts and good friends.

Painting by Erich Neumann

The paintings by Erich Neumann have previously only been shown at the Jung Neumann Conference, kibbutz Shefayim, April 2015. This is a unique opportunity to get a glimpse into the inner world and psyche of Jung and Neumann.

Further details and registration, click here.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Creative Minds in Dialogue: the Relationship between C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann

Creative Minds in Dialogue: the Relationship between C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann

This symposium, June 24-26, 2016 at Pacifica Institute in Santa Barbara, will feature internationally acclaimed speakers, including Riccardo Bernardini, Lionel Corbett, Nancy Furlotti, Ann Lammers, Lance Owens, Rina Porat, Susan Rowland, Erel Shalit, Evan Lansing Smith, Murray Stein and Steve Zemmelman.
The recent publication of the correspondence between C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann has brought renewed interest in both the creative relationship between Jung and Neumann, and Neumann’s contributions to Analytical Psychology. Months before his own death, Jung mourns Neumann as his “friend and companion on the way,” elsewhere saying that he only had two friends, Victor White and Erich Neumann.
The symposium will celebrate the unique contributions of Jung and Neumann, with original presentations. Murray Stein and Riccardo Bernardini from Eranos will be among the several prominent presenters, on topics ranging from creativity, art, Jung/Neumann and their impact on culture and the post-modern world, to anima and the great mother, and God, good and evil.

Conference Schedule
Friday, June 24, 2016

9:00am – 10:00am

Pre-Symposium Workshop
10:00am – Noon                     Freeing the Feminine: Exploring Creativity and Gender in the Shadow of the Great Mother with Neumann and Jung
o   Susan Rowland, Ph.D.
Noon – 1:30pm                       Luncheon
1:30pm – 4:00pm                    Gynetypes and the Goddess: Archetypal Images of the Divine Feminine
o   Evans Lansing Smith, Ph.D.
4:00pm – 5:00pm                    Break/Refreshments in Bookstore
5:00pm – 6:00pm                    Dinner

6:00pm – 6:30pm                  
o   Steve Aizenstat, Ph.D., Pacifica Chancellor
o   Joe Cambray, Ph.D., Pacifica Provost
o   Erel Shalit, Ph.D., Symposium Chair
6:30pm – 7:10pm      
Soulful Companions: A Profound and Honest Friendship
o   Nancy Swift Furlotti, Ph.D.
7:10 – 7:25PM                        Discussion with participants
7:25pm – 7:40pm                    Break

7:40 – 8:30pm                       
Jung and Neumann at Eranos: Psychologies, Myths, and Utopias of a Spiritual Earth
o   Riccardo Bernardini, Ph.D.
8:30pm – 8:45pm                   Discussion with participants
8:45 – 8:55pm                         Break
8:55 – 9:30pm
‘Eranos 1951’ – screening of film
o   Riccardo Bernardini, Ph.D.
9:30pm – 9:50pm                   Discussion with participants

9:50pm – 10:00pm                  Closing Remarks
Saturday, June 25, 2016
8:00am – 9:00am                    Breakfast
9:00am – 10:15am    
Jung and Neumann on Judaism and Religion – part I
o   Erel Shalit, Ph.D. – Jacob and Esau – from Jung’s discussion to Neumann’s book
o   Steve Zemmelman, Ph.D. - Inching Towards Wholeness: C.G. Jung and his Relationship to Judaism
10:15am – 10:30am   Discussion with participants
10:30am – 11:00am    Break

11:00am – 11:50am
Jung and Neumann on Judaism and Religion – part II
o   Ann Conrad Lammers, M.Div, Ph.D., LMFTThe risks of a direct encounter with God: A central Jungian problematic in Neumann’s The Roots of Jewish Consciousness.
11:50am – 12:15pm   Discussion with participants
12:15pm – 1:45pm                  Lunch
2:00pm – 3:30pm
The Feminine in Jung and Neumann
o   Rina Porat – The Psychology of the Feminine Archetype in C. G. Jung and E. Neumann
o   Lance Owens, M.D. – The Feminine in Jung and Neumann: Sophia and the Shekinah
3:30pm – 4:00pm                   Discussion with participants
4:00pm – 4:30pm                    Break
4:30pm – 5:45pm                   Book signing and reception
6:00pm – 7:10pm                    Dinner
7:15pm – 8:15pm                  
Jung and Neumann – Paintings from the Psyche
o   Nancy Swift Furlotti, Ph.D.
8:15pm – 8:50pm                   Discussion with participants
8:50pm – 9:00pm                   Concluding Remarks
Sunday, June 26, 2015
8:00am – 9:00am                    Breakfast
9:00am – 9:45am      
Erich Neumann on Psyche’s Creativity
o   Murray Stein, Ph.D. (By Skype)
o   Respondent: Joe Cambray, Ph.D.
9:45am – 10:00am                 Discussion with participants
10:00am – 10:15am                Break
10:15AM – 11:00AM
The cultural psyche – from the ancestors to the post-modern world
o   Erel Shalit, Ph.D.
11:00am – 11:15am   Discussion with participants
11:15AM – 12:00PM
God, Good and Evil - From a New Ethic to Answer to Job
o   Lionel Corbett, Ph.D.
12:00pm – 12:30pm   Discussion with participants
12:30pm – 2:00pm                  Lunch
2:00pm – 3:30pm
o   Late, last and forgotten thoughts – discussion with presenters and audience
o   Orienting remarks by Joe Cambray, Ph.D.

3:30pm – 4:00pm                   Concluding remarks
o   Chair Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D.

5:30pm – 6:30pm                    Dinner

Further details and registration, click here.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Publication of Polish edition of "The Cycle of Life"

Adam Kosciuk and Karol Nieweglowski write:

We are planning to translate and publish the book „The Cycle of Life“ by Erel Shalit.
„The Cycle of Life“ is the book for people who are willing to look at life from wider perspective, pursuing an answer for questions such as: where am I in my life? how did I get here? what is the meaning of this stage of life in the context of my whole history? what are its chal­lenges, chances and dangers? towards where am I heading?

It will be published by Eneteia Publishing House and the copyrights will be funded by Polish Association for Analytical Psychology.

We still need to finance the English-Polish translation, which will be made by us (that is: by Adam Kościuk and Karol Niewęgłowski - you can find more information about us, in Polish, here: http://refleksja.com/#oNas).

Translating a book is long and demanding work for which we did not find any sponsor, therefore we have decided to organize this crowdfunding campaign.

The book will be published in autumn 2016.

Watch the beautiful video clips (here) with narrative in English prepared by the translators, and do consider participating in the crowd funding. You can choose between receiving a copy of the book in either Polish or English.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Assisi Vision Lecture - Will Watson's Grandchild Write Poetry?

Assisi Institute:
The International Center for the Study of Archetypal Patterns

The Assisi Vision Lectures 2016

Assisi Institute: The International Center for the Study of Archetypal Patterns invites you to this next in a series of Assisi Vision Lectures, a teleseminar series featuring leaders and scholars of the depth psychological communities from around the world whose work furthers our understanding and appreciation of Psyche and the global significance of archetypal patterns.  If you weren't able to make it to the previous Vision lectures, you can get the links to the recorded sessions.

June 16, 2016
8:00 - 9:30 PM EDT

Will Watson's Grandchild Write Poetry?
Erel Shalit, PhD - Israel

We are all witnessing, as well as taking part in the enormous leaps in the cyber development of our era. We have handed over the progress of the world to the brilliant minds of tomorrow, whose bright vision is counterbalanced by apocalyptic fears of the future. The children and the young of today are born into tomorrow's world of multiple realities, and a seemingly boundaryless space of associations and virtuality.

  This forces us to reconsider ego-boundaries, reality-testing, soul and interiority, and to discern the pathologies of our era, such as 'photographic reality,' and the transient personality.  N.B. Watson in the title refers to IBM's superior artificial intelligence computer. He (?) can read millions of documents within seconds, and is a Jeopardy quiz winner, having instant access to more encyclopedias than most of us know exist.

Dr. Erel Shalit is a Jungian psychoanalyst in Tel Aviv. He is a past Presidentof the Israel Society of Analytical Psychology, founding Director of the Jungian Analytical Psychotherapy Program at Bar Ilan University, and past Director of the Shamai Davidson Community Mental Health Clinic, at the Shalvata Psychiatric Centre in Israel. 

He is the author of several books
The Cycle of Life: Themes and Tales of the Journey; Enemy, Cripple & Beggar: Shadows in the Hero's Path; The Complex: Path of Transformation from Archetype to Ego; The Hero and His Shadow: Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel, and the novella Requiem: A Tale of Exile and Return; and with Nancy Swift Furlotti, he has edited
The Dream and its Amplification.
He is the editor of Jacob and Esau: On the Collective Symbolism of the Brother Motif, a previously unpublished book by Erich Neumann, and Turbulent Times, Creative Minds - Erich Neumann and C.G. Jung in Relationship, co-edited with Murray Stein, as well as the author of a forth coming book on The Human Soul in Transition, at the Dawn of a New Era.

Register Today!

Register for individual teleseminars for $20 or save and register for the series for just $69

(All teleseminars are recorded and available for listening at your convenience)

Call us today to register!  (860) 415-5004

Visit our website for more exciting programs and free webinar and teleseminar offerings!

The Assisi Institute: The International Center for the Study of Archetypal Patterns | (860) 415-500