Sunday, December 11, 2016

Cycle of Life: Themes and Tales of the Journey on You Tube

“The art of life is the most distinguished and rarest of all the arts.” - C.G. Jung, CW 8, par. 789

Painting by Susan Bostrom-Wong
see more at 

 In the first half of life, the task of the young traveler is to depart from home, to step out into the world in search for his or her adventure, to find his or her own individual path. However, in the second half, we find ourselves on what often amounts to a very long journey in search of Home. In many a tale, the hero, for instance Gilgamesh, sets off on his road to find life’s elixir, while other stories, such as the Odyssey, revolve around the hero’s long and arduous journey home. This archetypal journey of life is constantly repeated along the never-ending process of individuation. 

We find ourselves returning to this venture repeatedly, every night, as we set out on our nightly voyage into the landscape of our unconscious. Many dreams begin by being on the way, for instance, “I am on my way to …,” I am driving on a road that leads into the desert …,” I am walking through one room after the other in a long corridor-like building …,” “I am walking towards my office, but it looks different than in reality,” “I walk on the pavement and on the opposite side of the street someone seems to follow me …,” “I go down into an underground parking…,” “I am in my car, but someone I don’t know is driving,” or, “I have to go to the place from where I came ...” 

Painting by Benjamin Schiff
see more at

Karol Domanski and Adam Kosciuk have prepared a beautiful video of The Cycle of Life, with a narrative from an interview by David van Nuys with Erel Shalit on Shrink Rap Radio.

Watch video on You Tube here (or by clicking on image above).
Listen to interview on Shrink Rap Radio.

Topics explored in The Cycle of Life include: 

 I. The Journey 
Stages and Seasons 
 Jung’s Stages of Life 
 All the World’s a Stage, and a Stage of Life 
 Being on the Way—A Way of Being 
Hermes and the Journey: Being on the Way 
The Crossroads 
II. The Child 
The Child in the Mirror 
 Psychotherapy and Childhood 
 The Divine Child 
 From Divine to Human 
 Eros, Psyche and Pleasure 
III. The Puer and the Puella 
 Between Shame and Fear 
 Wine, Spirit and Fire 
 Prometheus—the Thoughtful Thief 
IV. The Adult 
 King on Earth 
 Boundaries of Reality 
 Celestial Jerusalem—Terrestrial Jerusalem 
 The King who Refuses to Die 
 The Dried-up Earth 
 The Limping Ego 
 The Empty Shell 
V. i. The Senex 
V. ii. Homage to Sophocles 
V. iii. The Last Chapter: Self and Meaning 
 Ancestral Roots 
 An Oak and an Acorn 
 We Are All Beggars, Are We Not? 

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